Fun Day Today With Shawna Seigel on Webmaster Radio

Today, I had a wonderful interview by the very talented Shawna Siegel on her show, “eCom Experts with Shawna Siegel” on Webmaster Radio. I’d like to thank Shawna for having me on.

One of the topics we discussed was blogging, and I realized that blogging is the one thing that I just can’t find the time to do. So here I am, giving advice on blogging, but yet I’m not blogging myself.
It is often hard to find the time to keep up on blogs, but one thing is for certain… If you are an e-commerce business and you have a blog that is not maintained, you’d probably be better off without it. I’m just lucky that this is “my personal homepage”, and I really don’t care about getting good SEO for myself, because I’m not selling anything 🙂 But if I were, you bet I’d need to focus my attention to this website.

In any case, I’m still very active in e-commerce, in fact, I’m the CMO for 3dcart Shopping Cart Software – a position that I must say I truly enjoy. When people ask me, “You sold your company, why are you working for someone else”, the answer is simple – “I’m doing something I love to do, with people that I love doing it with – in a part of the country where I truly love living”.

It is always exciting to be a part of the “winning team”, and 3dcart is going to be the winning team… Mark my words 🙂