4 Great Ideas to Build Your Content Based on Psychology

The “Content is King” cliché is probably one of the most used in the world of online marketing. This is probably why there are some marketers who don’t believe in it anymore. Nonetheless, there is still a good number of successful businesses that capitalize on content marketing.

Content marketing is still an amazing and effective strategy— if you do it right. This means you don’t stay behind with the old-fashioned ways and stick with last season’s trends. You have to always be on the go! Keep moving, keep hustling, keep learning!

With the competition becoming tougher on the Internet, it’s essential to be up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies. For example, video has become such a big thing these days, especially on social media. So you need to adapt your content to this format. You have to use it to your advantage.

Today, more and more marketers are using psychology to develop their content marketing strategies. How does a buyer think and how can your business enter the picture? What are the common problems of your target audience these days and what can you offer as a solution? These are just some of the possible questions that let you inside your consumers’ minds and psyches.

Build Curiosity. Leak Information.

Human beings are naturally curious. People are always eager to find out about the “missing gap”, which refers to information that’s missing between what is already known and what knowledge is desired.

This is actually the psychological concept behind leaking information about upcoming products and promos. Companies often do this to get people excited and hyped so that when the offer actually becomes available, they grab it in a snap.Content Marketing

Based on George Loewenstein’s Information Gap Theory, you can certainly make the most of your content marketing by always making people curious about your brand.

Condition People. Associate with the Positive.

Time and again, conditioning has been discussed in various classes of psychology. There is plenty of research on it, plus tons of experiments around the world that have proven that it really works.

So how can you use conditioning to your advantage?

First, you need to know your target market. Let’s say you want to sell your product to teenagers who are fans of the band “One Direction”. They feel good when they listen to this particular music. So why not use the band’s songs for your ads? And if you can afford it, get the band as the endorser of your brand. Because if people associate the positive feeling from the music with your product, they will automatically feel good about the product and will want to have it.

It was actually the scientist Ivan Pavlov who first came up with the Classical Conditioning Theory. Well, he probably never thought back then how this would actually be of great use to marketers at present. So now’s your chance to apply what you thought was a waste of your precious time in the classroom. Go ahead and see what positive emotions can be associated with your product or service in order to condition people to desire it.

Market Rarity. Emphasize What Could be Missed.

Did you know that people are more likely to respond to something they could miss out on rather than actual benefits?

According to some psychological studies, humans tend to have stronger emotions when they know they are about to lose something than when they know they are going to gain something. Hence, when it comes to content marketing, you have to emphasize in your articles, webinars, videos, and other promotional materials what people are likely to miss if they don’t avail of your offer now.

This is the psychology behind the success of the “Sale” and “Limited Edition” concepts. Whenever you offer discounted rates or special editions within limited periods of time or with limited stocks, people are driven to buy because they might miss out on this rare chance. It creates a sense of urgency too, which urge them more to act quickly. Furthermore, when you present something as rare, there is an impression of greater value.

This marketing idea is actually based on the Scarcity Marketing Theory, which emphasize the Fear of Missing Out.

Give Value. Develop Trust and Authority. 

One of the greatest things that many online marketers always accentuate is giving of value to existing and prospective customers. It means you provide information that’s valuable to them, which will surely be appreciated. You also give bonuses from time to time, not just in the form of knowledge but perhaps in kind, such as free products and training materials.

When you constantly put out good information of great value, you get to build authoritative content within your specific field. It doesn’t only capture the attention of your target audience and help you build a loyal following, but it will certainly develop trust and authority in the long run. These two things are very important for every business. People will always pick a company they trust and respect over an unknown one in the market.

In addition, when you’re able to build authority in the industry, you jack up your credibility as a whole and not just in one area or aspect of the business. For example, establishing a well-known training program for teachers will also make more people want to buy the school supplies, teacher resources, and books that you’re selling.

Grounded on The Halo Effect of psychologist Edward Thorndike, this idea should encourage businesses to provide well-researched information to their markets along with reliable products and services. You ought to highlight the best things in your company and the most popular and efficient products and services you have so that your entire business will be viewed in a positive light too.

With these 4 psychology-based ideas for content marketing, you will surely be able to plan a remarkable campaign that lead to your desired results faster and better.