Why I Love Living In South Florida

I have lived in South Florida for a number of years, and having traveled around America, I have to say that South Florida is a place that I am happy to call home.  While I could make a long list of things I really hate about living in Florida, the reasons to live her far outnumber the negatives.  I’ve put together a list of reasons why I love living in South Florida.

  • We have two seasons, hot and hotter.  While I know not everyone loves hot weather, one thing I will never miss about living in other parts of America are shoveling snow, scraping windows, and having to spend the day in wet shoes.
  • Palm trees are beautiful.
  • Our roads are immaculate.  Not many potholes to be found here.
  • The clean beaches.  Unlike most of the East Coast, you can see your feet in South Florida’s water even if you are up to your neck.
  • The further north you travel in Florida, the more south it gets.  Often called the “Fifth Borough of New York”, we live up to the name.  If you’re looking for Christian Conservatives, Baptists or Rednecks, go north.
  • The sun will come out every day.  Even if it rains, the sun is still there.
  • Three International Airports within 70 miles.  Going anywhere is a breeze.
  • Lots of Latin American influence.  Great restaurants, great people.
  • The Everglades – Lot’s to see.
  • Alligators and Reptiles – Our little lizards are completely adorable!
  • Publix – Probably the best run supermarket chain in the country, if not the world.

If you haven’t planned a trip to Florida, I highly recommend it.  I don’t ever regret moving here.